Welcome to St. Mark’s UCC! While we’re proud of our history, we’re excited for the future. Our members bring many gifts that we share with each other, and we look forward to sharing them with you, too. We hope to see you at worship soon!

Our church’s history began around the time of Wisconsin’s statehood in 1848. Many of our early members came from Mosel, Germany, drawn to the area’s beauty, which reminded them of home.

As early as 1850, the first pastor arrived to preach and administer sacraments. In 1856, the congregation officially called itself the Deutsche Evangelische St. Markus Gemeinde zu Town Mosel, Wisconsin. They built the first house of worship, a small log church, in 1857.

In 1937, the congregation voted to proceed with the building of a new church. Architect Edgar A. Stubenrauch of Sheboygan created plans, and the building was completed in 1938.

 A fully handicap-accessible addition was built recently, including a generous gathering space where we welcome guests and friends.