Pastor Patrick has been involved in church ministry since the early 2000s. His involvement includes Media Ministry Director, mission trips throughout the U.S., and pastoring in the church since 2005.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology/Business Administration; a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Doctorate of Ministry in Preaching from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.

He and his wife, Brenda, have a daughter, Gracie. Patrick enjoys golf, watching football, reading mysteries, playing chess and spending time with his family.


Our consistory members hold three-year terms and meet monthly to review the church’s building and grounds and business/financial needs.

St. Mark’s Consistory…..President: Glenn Grunwald. Vice-President: Jacob Grunwald. Secretary: Julie Herrmann. Financial Secretary: Judy Steinbeck. Treasurer: Louise Jetzer. Members: Janell Davis, Larry Perronne.

St. James Consistory….President: David Lorfeld. Vice-President: Tammy Serketich. Secretary: Deb LaDuke. Treasurer: Wendy Henschel. Members: Jamey Binverie, Jackie Riesterer, Jason Riesterer


Our Sunday School teachers choose programming and create engaging lessons for our students. Visit our Sunday School page to learn more. 

Teachers at St. Mark’s: AnnaMarie Bramstedt, Michelle Scharl, Brenda Schultz, Tara Vandoske.

Teachers at St. James: Sandy Beiersdorf, Henry Langenhahn, Amanda Russart, Scott Henschel